Okay, I guess I should post one.
It's cold and windy out, Dallas is playing the Steelers right now, and we're playing Baltimore tonight...brrrr.
Christmas shopping is almost done; the kids are taken care of, and we've decided what to get the grandmas and the kids' teachers. All I need to do is get our dads gifts, and decide what else to get Steph, besides more Pandora beads. I'm so glad she's easy to shop for. I'm bringing up the Christmas decorations tonight, and Stephanie will start putting them up tomorrow while the kids are in school. It's much safer that way.
Fifty eight more days until little Kaitlyn's eviction notice, and I don't know if Stephanie's going to last. Between hip pains, general decrepity (now that you're 30, sweetie), and keeping up with James and Emily, I don't know how she's doing it. I thought it was tough going to work; now on the weekends I somewhat look forward to Mondays. Her health is good, and little miss is an active little thing. I think our nickname of 'rabbit' suits her so far.
I've finished another course in my Master's program - five down, seven to go. This professor was, well, in a word: inept. Don't send a teacher who has no real world experience to teach a room full of people who have been doing the work in their fields for a minimum of five years. A letter to the dean of the department seems to have sorted things out. Hopefully our next prof will be better.
The kids are enjoying school. Emily gets disappointed when she doesn't get purple (best behavior), but we've been telling her staying on green is wonderful in and of itself. Considering there are kids in her class that go from green, to yellow (warning), red (time out), to black ("Let's go see the principal and have mommy pick you up") in a matter of minutes, I think she's doing quite well. Of course, it helps to know she understands the phrase "Wait until your father gets home." James has his Christmas singalong program on the 15th for ELP. He may not sing, but he loves to please his teacher Miss Char.
Right now, Steph's watching the game cheering for Pittsburgh, Emily is (supposed to be) napping in her room, and James is watch Yo Gabba Gabba.
Question: Where are Max and Ruby's parents??!!??
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Trick or treating- part 2
We didn't go door to door, just to Grandma and Grandpa Cyr's house- here are just a few of the pictures we took.
The cutest little bumble bee!
Cute little elephant.
The only picture we could get with his hood on!
Buzz, buzz, buzz....
Stephanie even had a costume!.
26 weeks and feels like I'm carrying a pumpkin!
We did not get any pictures at the Harvest Fest at church. The kids seemed to have a great time. Emily went back and fourth between the games and the moonbounce. She had quite the stash of candy by the time we were done. James played the games, jumped on the moonbounce and ate lots of candy and chips.
Pumpkin Patch
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Trick or treating
Today we took the kids to a local shopping center for some trick or treating. Emily wanted to be a bumble bee this year. I love this costume on her! James is an elephant. Unfortunately, we couldn't get him to wear the hood with the face on it. He didn't like the way it fit on him, but he still looks pretty cute!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Recent Videos
Kids building at Lowe's
James trying out the brass family.
Shopping at Petsmart
Jamming to the music
We are trying to get more videos of Emily. But everytime we pull out the video recorder or cell phone, she starts hamming it up and it's just not as cute! I'll be posting pictures soon.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Yes, we're still here!
So sorry for the lack of updates in recent weeks. Life as usual gets crazy around here!
Emily still loves school. Each day she tells us something new they are doing. Her most recent is clapping to count the syllables in words. She has her first field trip next week. Stephanie is going to be a chaperone for this one! They will be going to a pumpkin patch on Halloween. That should be fun!
James has had fun in the past couple of weeks at school. He got to see a firetruck and climb through it. Then the petting farm came to school! They had ducks, chickens, bunnies, sheep, a goat and an alpaca (looks like a llama). He was one of the only kids that had no fear of any of the animals. He continues to make progress with his speech. He is starting to use 3 and 4 words phrases on a more regular basis!
John is currently taking class #5 of 12 for his Master's Degree. He has his mid-term tonight. Work is still "fun" for him, though it keeps him busy most of the day with meetings and various new projects.
Stephanie is (as of October 17th) 24 weeks along. Kaitlyn is really starting to move. She now responds to John's voice. James loves to put his ear to mommy's belly and listen to her "wim" (swim). Emily only expresses an interest in Kaitlyn if someone asks her! We have noticed mommy's belly move on occasion when Kaitlyn kicks really hard!
The biggest news of ours is that we have become the proud owners of a mini van. We traded our Hyundai Santa Fe in for a Hyundai Entourage. It's a really nice van, very basic- but with lots of needed room. The only complaint we've had is from James. He can't prop his feet on the back of the seat in front of him! Other than that we all love it!
Well, it's time to get the kids off to school. I'll try to come back later today and post some new pictures and a couple of videos that John got on his cell phone.
Emily still loves school. Each day she tells us something new they are doing. Her most recent is clapping to count the syllables in words. She has her first field trip next week. Stephanie is going to be a chaperone for this one! They will be going to a pumpkin patch on Halloween. That should be fun!
James has had fun in the past couple of weeks at school. He got to see a firetruck and climb through it. Then the petting farm came to school! They had ducks, chickens, bunnies, sheep, a goat and an alpaca (looks like a llama). He was one of the only kids that had no fear of any of the animals. He continues to make progress with his speech. He is starting to use 3 and 4 words phrases on a more regular basis!
John is currently taking class #5 of 12 for his Master's Degree. He has his mid-term tonight. Work is still "fun" for him, though it keeps him busy most of the day with meetings and various new projects.
Stephanie is (as of October 17th) 24 weeks along. Kaitlyn is really starting to move. She now responds to John's voice. James loves to put his ear to mommy's belly and listen to her "wim" (swim). Emily only expresses an interest in Kaitlyn if someone asks her! We have noticed mommy's belly move on occasion when Kaitlyn kicks really hard!
The biggest news of ours is that we have become the proud owners of a mini van. We traded our Hyundai Santa Fe in for a Hyundai Entourage. It's a really nice van, very basic- but with lots of needed room. The only complaint we've had is from James. He can't prop his feet on the back of the seat in front of him! Other than that we all love it!
Well, it's time to get the kids off to school. I'll try to come back later today and post some new pictures and a couple of videos that John got on his cell phone.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Welcome to Fall!
We had an abrupt start to fall this week. We went from 80 degree days on Wednesday to barely in the 60's and rainy on Thursday. Hopefully it stays cool for awhile so we can keep the AC turned off!
Emily had her 5 year old physical on Tuesday. She is a whopping 37 pounds and 39 inches tall! The doctor said she is doing well. She had her vision and hearing checked- both were perfect (So now we know it's just selective hearing and vision issues!) She did not have any shots this time, she was so relieved. She continues to love Kindergarten. She comes home everyday full of things that she did at school. We think lunch, recess and PE are her favorites. That's what we hear about first each day!
James is making progress with his speech. He and his therapist get along great. Each week she comes, he has new words that he's never used before saved up just for her! She gives him a new activity for us to work on with him each time she leaves. This week we are singing "The Wheels on the Bus." School is going well for him. He is excited to go each morning and is disappointed on Tuesday and Thursday when those are stay home days! But we try to fill our Tuesdays with play dates and other activities. Thursdays are just for speech.
Stephanie had her 20 week check up on Thursday. She and Kaitlyn are doing well. Kaitlyn has a very strong heartbeat. She's moving all the time now! Her favorite time seems to be about 3 am, which could be why Stephanie is so tired during the day.
John started his Master's classes this week. This is his 5th class, and his second of three years. This course will have a group project (which seem to be enjoyable to work on for him). He's not thrilled with the teaching style of the professor so far. He gives you slides and then teaches straight from the slides with no variation. He's not too happy that the mid term and finals will be closed note (for the first time since he started this program) and closed book. That just means more study time!
That's it for now, we'll check in again next week!
Emily had her 5 year old physical on Tuesday. She is a whopping 37 pounds and 39 inches tall! The doctor said she is doing well. She had her vision and hearing checked- both were perfect (So now we know it's just selective hearing and vision issues!) She did not have any shots this time, she was so relieved. She continues to love Kindergarten. She comes home everyday full of things that she did at school. We think lunch, recess and PE are her favorites. That's what we hear about first each day!
James is making progress with his speech. He and his therapist get along great. Each week she comes, he has new words that he's never used before saved up just for her! She gives him a new activity for us to work on with him each time she leaves. This week we are singing "The Wheels on the Bus." School is going well for him. He is excited to go each morning and is disappointed on Tuesday and Thursday when those are stay home days! But we try to fill our Tuesdays with play dates and other activities. Thursdays are just for speech.
Stephanie had her 20 week check up on Thursday. She and Kaitlyn are doing well. Kaitlyn has a very strong heartbeat. She's moving all the time now! Her favorite time seems to be about 3 am, which could be why Stephanie is so tired during the day.
John started his Master's classes this week. This is his 5th class, and his second of three years. This course will have a group project (which seem to be enjoyable to work on for him). He's not thrilled with the teaching style of the professor so far. He gives you slides and then teaches straight from the slides with no variation. He's not too happy that the mid term and finals will be closed note (for the first time since he started this program) and closed book. That just means more study time!
That's it for now, we'll check in again next week!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Emily's 5th Birthday
James' 1st Day of School
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