Monday, May 18, 2009

Just a quick update

I know it's been 2 months.....sorry!

Kaitlyn is 4 months today. She's getting so big! She is laughing, smiling, cooing and all the other cute baby things she should be doing. She started rice cereal last week. Not too sure what to think of it....but she eats it. I'm taking her into today for her 4 month check up.

James is finishing his first year of preschool later this week. He has made so much progress in his speech. He will continue to receive services next year. He has been potty trained!!! He still has an accident from time to time, but it's getting better.

Emily is learning so much in kindergarten. She comes home with new books each week that she can read. She is asking tons of questions, sometimes mommy and daddy can't keep up with her! She and I will be going on a field trip to the Reston Zoo this week with her class. That should be fun!

John is almost done with another class for his Master's degree. For those of you keeping track that class 7 out of 12......more than halfway done!

Me, I'm just holding down the fort, making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be and make sure they get there on time!

I'll try in the next few days to get on here and post a bunch of pictures and videos. I've got some great ones to put up!!

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